“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
Of all the creations of god, human life is the most sacred. Man is endowed with intelligence; he wants to remain active, energetic and even original. Thus, to educate means to lead forth or to extract the best in man. Therefore, art, music, craft, dramatics, literature and creative work should form an integral part of the school activities to produce balanced and intelligent citizens.
The school should aim at the unfolding of the ‘total personality’ of the child to his/her full Stature-mental, physical, social, emotional and aesthetic and I am sure that PM SHRI K V Damoh certainly provides opportunities and incentives for the full blossoming of the innate gifts, virtues and potentialities of the child through inclusive education, skill-based learning, community engagement and mental health support programs which help our students experience an extreme satisfaction, and everlasting delight.
In order to provide platform to the students and teachers with the growing learning aspect we are providing them with maximum ICT infrastructure so they can also learn new technologies, and so the website have been created as to know the information and infrastructure about the Vidyalaya. It has been regularly updated with all the necessary information for the students, teachers and as well as for parents.